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Picnic in the Park 2019


Updated: Jun 26, 2024

Sunday 14th July saw us descend to King Georges for our annual summer get together before we all depart for our Summer holidays. After some ominous cloud cover over Bushey earlier that morning, members packed their picnic baskets and hoped for the best!

For the many dog lovers amongst the group, this would have been the perfect afternoon as the Dog show was also taking place at the same time. Although one dog did take a particular liking to Patrick or should I say his box of chicken!

Throughout the afternoon, lots of fun was had. Games were played, lots of food eaten and memories shared as well as lots of talk about the positive future of the society. It wouldn't have been a summer event without the parachute making an appearance!

The day was a great success with many staying on until sunset. Stay tuned to all of our social feeds throughout the coming weeks as well will be drip feeding information about our Panto launch of Aladdin. Have a great summer!

P.S. - Yes it's true I did climb a tree to get some of these photos. I also hurt my knee in the process. So lesson learnt, I can't climb trees in my 30's!

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